Gran Canaria School of Languages

Intensive Spanish courses

since 1964

Online test

Dear Student,

Please complete and submit this test before your arrival at the school. Be sure to complete the fields with your personal data and email contact.

Read the question and click on the answer you think is correct.

The degree of difficulty increases progressively.

There are ten questions for every level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1). At least seven must be answered correctly in order to pass the level. The test ends when you have not correctly answered a certain number of questions in a particular section.

The results of your test will give us an approxiamete indication of your language level, but in order to place you in the right class, you will also need an oral interview with a teacher at school.

Please do not use a dictionary or anybody's help.

Online test

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Click on the following displayed book covers:

A1, B2, C2.

Me quedé con muy buena opinión sobre la escuela en general. Las clases fueron muy divertidas y muy interesantes porque se habla y se disfruta mucho, y el método didáctico es muy eficiente. Y también es muy familiar. Me gustó mucho mucho estar aquí y regresaré en la próxima ocasión".

Alexandra Preda, Austria.

Saving tip:

Book our special offer for Course20:

Pay 3, get 4 weeks

You save 25%.

Pay 3, get 4 weeks Course20

Learning tip:

Consider bringing some Spanish text of interest for your private tutoring. Working with this material will make the classes more beneficial and entertaining.

Online Spanish course for levels A1 and A2 online Spanish course

Spanish grammar explained in English


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Frequently asked questions